CAS Corporation Scales and Weighing Equipment is for sale at Central Carolina Scale. We also provide repair and calibration service.
Cas digital viscometer (advanced type) CD-V3 Electronic hydrometer (advanced type) CPK-1B/2B Automatic packing machine CL5500N Supports beef traceability perfectly CL7200 All in one Multimedia Scale CL3000 Label Printing Scale CL-Works PRO Commercial PC Software...
Cas digital viscometer (advanced type) CD-V3 Electronic hydrometer (advanced type) CPK-1B/2B Automatic packing machine CL5500N Supports beef traceability perfectly CL7200 All in one Multimedia Scale CL3000 Label Printing Scale CL-Works PRO Commercial PC Software...
Same latency, but bandwidth doesn't scale that way. If latency is roughly the same, bandwidth of the higher frequency kit is still higher. CPU: i7-2600K 4751MHz 1.44V (software) --> 1.47V at the back of the socket Motherboard: Asrock Z77 Extreme4 (BCLK: 103.3MHz) CPU Cooler: No...
Parameters affecting tagging success on a genome-wide scale Simultaneously with the small pool of nuclear proteins, we designed an oligonucleotide pool for C-terminal tagging of the yeast proteome. For crRNA design, we first retrieved a set of more than 34,000 candidate CRISPR targets using our ...
We have built our transformation system by optimization of the protoplast formation, vector condition, transformation time, mutant screening, and reconfirmation, in order to build a universal method to generate a large scale of mu- tants for functional genomic analysis of the fungus. In our ...
The company has a large-scale production capacity of a variety of marine species juveniles including sea cucumber, Yeso scal- lop, geoduck, sea urchin, giant cockle and several finfish species. The company runs its own hatcheries, grow-out facilities (land- based and sea), enhancement ...