然后用炎性体激活剂刺激细胞:用Lipofectamine 200转染5mM腺苷5'-三磷酸二钠盐水合物(ATP)(1h),1μg/ mL聚(脱氧腺苷 - 胸苷)酸钠盐(Poly dA:dT)( 3-4小时,200μg/ mL MSU(过夜)和10μM尼日利亚菌素(1小时)或鼠伤寒沙门氏菌UK-1菌株。还用25μg/ mL聚腺苷酸 - 聚尿苷酸(4小时)刺激细胞。对于非...
Sequence conservation data were downloaded from PlantRegMap. The TF binding motif datasets were downloaded from JASPAR (2020 Core Plants collections). Genetic variations and phenotype data of rice were downloaded from MBKbase. The rice reference genome (MSU/Tigr7) was downloaded from the Rice Genome ...
PT-114-15 jetPRIME kit 1.5 ml of transfection reagent + 2 x (60 ml of jetPRIME buffer) Polyplus Transfection温馨提示:不可用于临床治疗。 风险提示:丁香通仅作为第三方平台,为商家信息发布提供平台空间。用户咨询产品时请注意保护个人信息及财产安全,合理判断,谨慎选购商品,商家和用户对交易行为负责。对于医...
We are also grateful to Michelle Flenniken, Katie Daughenbaugh, Diane Bimczok, and other members of the COVID task force at Montana State University (MSU) for assistance establishing the COVID testing center. A.S.-F. is a postdoctoral fellow of the Life Science Research Foundation, which ...
Cleaned reads were mapped to rice reference sequence TIGR7 (http://rice.plantbiology.msu.edu/) [62] with BWA (v. 0.7.15) software [63]. The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) [64] was used to realign reads near indels and recalibrate base quality scores by following GATK best practices [...
laileisesfrformomthtehme amtuartue rweiwntienrtteor tthoetdhecdayecinagyisnugmsmumerminerthienEthNeaEnNd LaNndyeLaNrsyaeraerpsraersenptreed-, isnecnltueddi,nignctlhuedoinbgsetrhveaotibosnesrvanatdiotnhse aAnMd ItPheanAdMcIoPuapnleddcsoiumpuleladtisoinmsu(lFaitgiounress(7F–ig9u).res 7–9...