CartPole is one of the simpler environments in the OpenAI Gym (a game simulator). The goal of CartPole is to balance a pole connected with one joint on top of a moving cart. Instead of pixel information, there are two kinds of information given by the state: the angle of the pole and...
Atari Game(pong、Boxing、Mspacman): 这里我们关注经典强化学习算法在 Atari 游戏上的 表现, (Pong、Mspcaman、Boxing), 相应的 我们用cnn 代替上面的前馈神经网络和线性转换作为动作值函数近似. 网络设置与数据预处理 将环境给的每一张反馈图片压缩成64×64×1的灰阶格式, 将每四张处理过的图片连接在一起(64...
[35] learn the rules and states of a game domain and store these in a rules knowledge graph (KG) and a state KG. Changes that result in changes in these KGs indicate the presence of novelty and trigger further learning by the agent. This learning can proceed offline, again as a form ...