Wave Four of the series has some added sound effects on some cartoons (most notably Bath Day in Best Pals: Mickey and Minnie, and Donald's Double Trouble in Best Pals: Donald and Daisy). One cartoon, How to Dance, appears twice in this series - Starring Goofy in Wave One and Extreme...
; compared with such effects, many early Fantastic Four pages still read like convenient accumulation of panels, brought together to illustrate a sequential narrative but not with an eye toward the greater unity of the layout. […] 1965-1966 also happens to be the period during which Marvel br...
Most state machines are designed not to be Turing Complete for very sound reasons unless you excercise care a call/return system becomes Turing Compleate unintentionally, and that can result in a “Ghost in the Machine” as has happened with Intel chips and the memory bus control system…name....
It's not really a programmer cartoon, but as a programmer I regularly have to deal with people who think JPEG is suited for everything. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this [1]. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3aPreparing_images_for_upload#Do_not_save_d...
Navicore // Wikimedia Commons Killed by a meteorite impact Meteorites may be at the heart of many science fiction and disaster films; but when it comes down to real science, Earth is a big planet covered by large, uninhabited areas. When you consider the empty versus occupied planetary surfa...
You can help create the music and sound effects for the game. Check out the OpenMusic repository and drop by our #open-sound-and-music channel on Discord to find out more. 4.6 Scenarios We would also like to distribute additional scenarios with the game, when the time comes. For that, ...
“The Ghost Rider 9” By Dick Ayres –Comic Book Plus(Public Domain) viaCommons Wikimedia “Frederick Burr Opper, Let Them Have It All And Be Done With It! 1882 Cornell CUL PJM 1092 01” By Frederick Burr Opper – Puck Magazine, German language edition. An English-language version was ...