I watched this a week or two ago in RAID(Reduce Abuse in Drugs) Our police officer left us this video to watch. We watch a video every week and this one was SO funny. I was sitting beside my friend, Wenster and we were both laughing together. We were told not to laugh but it wa...
• Animation Layers: Animate like a pro with up to 10 layers. Try the Glow Effect and Pixel Effect for free. • Audio Integration: Add sound effects, voiceovers, and music tracks. Create, add, and edit audio clips across six free audio tracks. Record your own voice for dialogue and...
Sound EffectsTerrorterrorwitchlaugh sound effectmagicspellsscaredterriblehorrorweirdhorror movieshorror tv serieshorror video gameshorror animefrightenedcreepySee More Features of This Sound EffectsSee More ·A cool ready-to-use Sound Effects design to impress your customer ...
on the condition that the use principle of an existing stethoscope is not changed, the sensor is changed to be in a cartoon shape from an original common shape, and when auscultation measurement is carried out on a child, the child cannot feel scared, and the good measuring effect is achiev...
As a UK citizen I never thought the BBC would act so timidly your self censorship is hypocritical and is only matched in its absurdity by asking viewers for an opinion on something that you ban them from seeing in the first place. What is the BBC scared of – I challenge you to publish...