Cartoon Cat is an urban legend created by Canadian horror artist, Trevor Henderson. He is a giant feline creature who resembles a 1930s era cartoon cat, hence his name. He is one of the main antagonists of the Trevor Henderson mythos. The predecessor ima
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“Who is that?” That’s what I thought. At the end of my line of sight, my best friend from the hentai club, Maiibel Han wasn’t there. Who are you?” The one who was sitting in a place where there was nothing wasn’t Mary. Someone who had the same voice as Mary, and was...
But largely he was the picture of someone who could be happy alone. “How’s my Maggie?” he asked. “She’s great.” Arun loved Maggie best. Everyone did. She was pretty, like a fairytale girl lost in the woods, but brilliant. Everyone said she should go for a PhD before she...
interest of Bugs Bunny. Lola Bunny is a skilled basketball player with a tough and independent personality. She was born as an attempt to create a character that would appeal to both male and female audiences; someone who was strong, confident, and athletic while still being feminine and ...
Big Doug leans back with his arms folded and an expression of someone who is happy with the job he’s done. He winks. TWEET: Non-binary is the way ‘normies’ get to include themselves in the alphabet soup. That is all. BIG DOUG: Maybe I “triggered” them and they’re too sad ...
Using blender 2.63, Linking Ed, there is no problem (the bone layers in N pannel are displayed), but linking Porl, the bones layers are not displayed (however the control's driver of Porl are displayed). Someone has an idea on how to change this ? Thanks for your replies. ...
This guy is someone who I can only define as a Seth Macfarlen wannabe. Think about who else would use shock value, mean-spirited characters, and pure evil as a form of entertainment? This guy is a sociopathic nutcase who celebrates evil, and bullies the good. What's worse is that oth...
Brainy proves himself to be a poor roommate when he has to bunk with someone else. Greedy And The Porridge PotGreedy borrows a magical porridge pot that buries the village in mush when Brainy gets a hold of it. The Grumpy GremlinA gourmet gremlin with a foul-smelling concoction seeks a ...
Medical treatment making a sick person healthy verb To fix or improve a problem To make someone healthy or make a disease go away B1 More moment US /'moʊmənt/ ・ UK /'məʊmənt/ noun Very short or brief period of time ...