Cartoon Network has long been a leader in animated excellence, and its shows from the 2000s represent a truly iconic era. This decade was a vibrant time for the network, filled with creative and groundbreaking storytelling that left a lasting impact. We’re here to celebrate the best...
The 2000s was an epic time in animated television that introduced audiences to celebrated cartoon classics, with many debuting on Cartoon Network. The fan-favorite channel is no stranger to creating popular, cutting-edge programs that to this day remain beloved gems, with shows likeTeen Titans, ...
About Cartoon Network Cartoon Network is a media entertainment company specializing in animated content for youth and families across various platforms. The company offers a wide range of animated TV shows, online games, and mobile applications featuring popular characters and franchises. Cartoon Network...
and Codename: Kids Next Door premiered; the former was short-lived, but the latter became a juggernaut for the network in the mid-2000s. On October 2, 2002, Cartoon Network celebrated its 10th anniversary with a one-day special bumper showing quick clips from shows, bumpers, and promos ...
Top 10 Best Cartoon Network Shows from the 2000s: WatchMojo counts down the top 10 Cartoon Network shows from the 2000s.
One special mention to the New Mexico band, The Shins, who have appeared on 2 different Adult Swim shows Yes I know they're from Albuquerque, New Mexico but we have to give them a special nod. They've beenfeatured on Children's Hospital& have even done a special song with Tim & Eric...
One special mention to the New Mexico band, The Shins, who have appeared on 2 different Adult Swim shows Yes I know they're from Albuquerque, New Mexico but we have to give them a special nod. They've beenfeatured on Children's Hospital& have even done a special song with Tim & Eric...
In one short, Tom shows genuine concern for Jerry when he believes that he has accidentally shot him and immediately rushes to get a first-aid kit. Despite several shorts depicting Tom's apparent "death" at the end of the short, he never actually dies throughout the series, and even ...
An old Hanna-Barbera hero was revived for the bizarrely funny Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law (Cartoon Network, 2000-2007), in which the ex-hero took on legal cases from other cartoon characters. Milestone’s African American teen hero Static debuted in his own series called Static Shock (...
Turner Broadcasting is overhauling its toon cablers with plans to expand Adult Swim‘s programming block by one hour and add advertising to Boomerang for the first time. Adult Swim will expand into the 8 p.m. hour as of March 31. As part of the change, Cartoon will add more...