15. Woody Woodpecker Source:Fandom Woody Woodpecker is a classic animated character known for his distinctive laugh and unique personality. He is a chaotic bird who likes to cause trouble and is always involved in some kind of trouble. However, despite his foolish and naughty behavior, Woody is...
Walter Lantz was an American motion-picture animator, cartoon producer, and creator of the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker. At age 16, Lantz worked as a newspaper cartoonist and began experimenting with animation that same year. In 1922 he went to wor
Everyone has a favorite cartoon character. See if yours is included on this list of the top 50 cartoon characters of all time.
Source: Wikipedia Other than Woody Woodpecker, who is your favorite Walter Lantz cartoon character? For an uncropped view of the images see the slides here. Join the Discussion Here in the IMDb Poll Community ForumSee results without voting » Make Your Choice Vote! Woody Woodpecker and His...
Discover the enchanting world ofMike, Lu & Og—a charming animated series centered around a young girl who befriends native islanders after being shipwrecked on their remote tropical home. With its lush visuals, tongue-in-cheek humor, and engaging character dynamics, this show explores ...
Robby the Robot might not be a cartoon character, but the big metal guy does have one of the most recognizable voices of the 1950s, thanks to Miller. Starting with Forbidden Planet in 1956, Robby turned up in other live-action sci-fi shows and movies. Miller did work in cartoons, too...
featured paid 104 felix the cat jack mercer 541 votes felix the cat is a funny animal cartoon character created in the silent film era. the anthropomorphic black cat with his black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which his cartoons place ...
I search for full-body character pictures and edit them, make the gifs and more. Superman, Spider-Man, Venom, Carnage, Man-Spider, War Machine, Iron Man, Terry McGinnis / Batman, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Storm, Rogue, Sue Storm, Hulk, She Hulk, St
I know he’s a fictional character, but the two of us are kindred spirits. We like the finer things in life: pie, ducks, toast, cheese. All those sorts of things. I’m also a lot like Carl and Sheen too, so throw those three together and you get all sorts of weird. I’d ...
Which cartoon character has the best catchphrase or word? After voting,please discuss here. See results without voting» Make Your Choice Vote! Rocky and His Friends (1959) Nothing up my sleeve...Presto! See more▼ Vote! Seth MacFarlane in Family Guy (1999) Victory...