Most state machines are designed not to be Turing Complete for very sound reasons unless you excercise care a call/return system becomes Turing Compleate unintentionally, and that can result in a “Ghost in the Machine” as has happened with Intel chips and the memory bus control system…name....
I worked for a start-up called Telebackup at the time and guess what we were trying to develop? Scott Adams must have sat in on one of the management/developer meetings.(3) "if you have a sound card it swears at you", priceless - amischiefr This made me lol so hard! - Statement...
Effect music is used torender tension, intensity, horror, etc.. "Cat and mouse" commonchase, fight scenes with this music. The intense rhythm and the picture match,gives the person the intense stimulation and the excited psychological feeling.If there is no such effect music, and only from ...