7 of Clubs:uninspired, feeling trapped, afraid of the unknown 8 of Clubs:feeling lack of self-worth in ideas or dreams 9 of Clubs:an idea is almost complete 10 of Clubs:manifesting dreams, feeling fulfilled Jack of Clubs:a young visionary Queen of Clubs:a woman who believes in herself Ki...
Queen of Clubs: Represents a wife or girlfriend in long term relationship for a man; for a woman, it represents a sister or good friend, someone who shares a lot of knowledge about the querent. Jack of Clubs: Represents one who uses a lot of flattery, but only to make another feel ...
take your pick. This is one of the several cards in the tarot deck that that fits Aquarius timing in a reading where one is trying to guess at when something may happen. (The others are The Star, The King, Queen, Knight or Page of Swords or the...
For instance, if you have the queen of hearts, it is similar to the meaning of a queen in cups or chalices – as is an ace of spades to the ace in swords. A three of diamonds would be the same as a three in tarot’s pentacles or coins. That leaves the clubs representing the w...
Queen of spades: Honest woman Queen of clubs: Passionate, ambitious woman Queen of diamonds: Practical, helpful woman King of hearts: Wise, calm man King of spades: Calculating man King of clubs: Inspirational man King of diamonds: Hard-working, rich man 4 Interpret the joker as the “fool...