CARTO-Sound allows for detailed real-time visualization of the cardiac chamber and of its adjacent structures, and elimination of the chamber deformity that often happens with contact mapping.4,5 CARTO-Sound has been successfully utilized to facilitate AF catheter ablation by incorporating a real-...
therapy.With the further understanding and mastery of the three-dimensional mapping system,the advantages of catheter ablation in the treatment of complex arrhythmia are revealed.This paper mainly summarizes the CARTO 3D electro-metering system in the treatment of complex arrhythmia clinical application ...
G1-PreadingCarto原理与CARTO3 PPT课件 1 传统手术的局限性催生三维导航技术的发展 判断机制_逻辑分析解剖定位_互补体位线性消融_空间记忆复杂心律失常治疗有难度X线照射难以避免 PPT课件 2 学习目标 •1.了解2围手术局限性•2.掌握CARTO磁场定位原理•3.了解CARTO平台的一次标测多种信息•...