This new tool come in quite handy in cases where one or more steps in an analysis have to be defined by a manual input, allowing faster prototyping a providing a much better user experience.Define a custom schema when importing files
Please include your system information, save files and log file: (Windows) %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\SunheadGames\Carto\Saves %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\SunheadGames\Carto\Backup %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\SunheadGames\Carto\output_log.txt (macOS) ~/Library/Application Support/Sunhead...
System User Guide regarding recommendations for fluoroscopy useX射线是一种电离辐射,会引发健康风险白血病和实体瘤与低剂量射线照射有关7心脏介入医生的射线照射量是放射科医生的2-3倍以上常年进行心血管介入手术的术者终生患癌风险超过1%射线对人体的影响往往持续数周或数年 我国放射防护新基本标准 Simple如何升级?一...
By using the method, this file will automatically be created for you in a default location depending on your operating system. A custom location can also be specified as an argument to the method. This file can then be read in the following ways: >>> ...
We spend a lot of time thinking about the world parceled into meaningful units: political, cultural, physical — you name it and we probably have a system for saying what belongs and what doesn’t. And as cartographers at Stamen, we sometimes have access to data that lets us look ...
Re-enable save_metadata during user after_save. Fixed Bugs GMaps attribution is above Legend when it is applied. Date filters depend on the system timezone. Query box: field suggestion menu goes out of the canvas. Deactivate by default layer-selector when visualization has only one layer. Dea...
create a new gemset rvm use 1.9.3@cartodb --create && bundle install # If it's a system wide installation sudo bundle install # Make the created gemset your default one rvm use 1.9.3@cartodb --default # Configure the application constants mv config/app_config.yml.sample config/app_con...
Saved 10% of the user’s time by implementing the final feature of the old system: an in-browser Excel editing for report configuration. Created 30% of the core services, defined the multi-module project structure, and built the portal application. Technologies: Subversion (SVN), Apache Maven...
CARTO User Manual Maps Map view modes This guide describes how to switch between different map view modes in Builder. There are two different map view modes, normal (flat) and 3D. The mode selected by default is the Normal map view. To switch to 3D map view, click on 3D view from ...
create a new gemset rvm use 1.9.3@cartodb --create && bundle install # If it's a system wide installation sudo bundle install # Configure the application constants mv config/app_config.yml.sample config/app_config.yml vim config/app_config.yml # Configure your postgres database connection ...