CARTIER WOMEN’S INITIATIVE 卡地亞靈思湧動女性創業家獎由卡地亞聯同歐洲工商管理學院商學院(INSEAD Business School)於2006年共同創辦。此國際項目旨在推廣並支持女性創業家及其企業。每年,大會從每個地區各挑選3位女性創業家,共24位決賽候選人,她們分別來自拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區、北美、歐洲、撒哈拉以南非洲、中東和...
Cartier Party Rencontres Savoir-faire La Maison Engagements et Culture Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain Collection Cartier Rencontres Cartier Women's Initiative Engagement pour la musique Cartier Philanthropy Engagement envers nos collaborateurs ...
The Cartier Women’s Initiative community is a lifelong community of impact entrepreneurs and their supporters. Our network of passionate impact leaders from around the world consists of current and previous fellows, mentors, jury members, coaches and other program partners. We aim to create a safe...
The Cartier Women's Initiative is an annual international entrepreneurship program focused on empowering women impact entrepreneurs within various business sectors. The program provides financial support, educational programming, and community engagement to women-led businesses aiming for social and environmental...
The Cartier Women's Initiative (CWI), an annual international entrepreneurship program aimed at driving change by empowering women impact entrepreneurs, has concluded its awards ceremony in Shenzhen, China. In an exclusive interview, its Global Program Director, Wingee Sin, shared insights into the ...
Commitment to Cartier Women's Initiative • 递交材料的质量 Quality of submission 2021年度申请起止日期|北京时间2020年6月4日20时至2020年7月31日20时。 The call for applicants for the 2021 edition of the Cartier Women's Initia...
法国珠宝品牌卡地亚(Cartier)日前公布了2021年度Cartier Women’s Initiative(卡地亚女性创业家奖)大奖获得者名单,受疫情影响,为期三天的评选和奖项公布环节全部在线上进行。 Cartier Women’s Initiative 项目由卡地亚首席执行官Cyrille Vigneron负责,在2006年首度发起,面向由女性主导和运营的企业,意在帮助女性创业者开拓国际...
Download the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards mobile application to organize your agenda, connect with other guests and learn more about the Finalists. Using the Cartier Awards Mobile App is an easy, stress-free way to stay informed and make the best out of your experience in San Francisco....
Other meetings Change it 6 10 云现场 | 2025(第三届)CGO品牌增长峰会 - 上午场 4 10 云现场 | 2025(第三届)CGO品牌增长峰会 - 下午场 32 10 第五届中国跨境电商交易会-1号馆 3 10 第五届中国跨境电商交易会-2号馆 ...
作为Cartier Women's Initiative 的合作伙伴,Impact Hub上海即将分享更多关于她们的创业故事 。 如果你的创业团队需要更多的创业资源,广阔的视野和有针对性的培训指导,并且具有良好的英文书面和口语表达能力,以下海报包含比赛详情。