Among the many SNCF discount cards and subscriptions, we accompany you in your choice according to your profile.CompareTerms and conditions CARTE AVANTAGE SENIOR TGV INOUI PRICE: €49 The card is reserved for anyone over the age of 60 [CARTE AVANTAGE SENIOR TGV INOUI] Price of the carte ...
Carte Avantage Jeune and Senior: discount valid for the cardholder. Carte Avantage Adulte and Famille: discount valid for the cardholder and their companion over 12 years old. For children aged 4 to 11 accompanying an Avantage cardholder: exclusive offer "Snack Avantage" (Apple juice or still ...
Carte Avantage Jeune and Senior: discount valid for the cardholder. Carte Avantage Adulte and Famille: discount valid for the cardholder and their companion over 12 years old. For children aged 4 to 11 accompanying an Avantage cardholder: exclusive offer "Snack Avantage" (Apple juice or still ...