6 at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St. • Regular last day of voter registration by person (Carson City Clerk-Recorder’s Office) or mail: Jan. 9 • Deadline to update existing voter registration: Jan. 10 to 23 at https://registertovote.nv.gov/....
As Carson City Clerk-Recorder, I can use my experiences from both the public and private sector to continue the integrity, safety, and trust that has been established by the past clerks while moving the office forward during these challenging times. I will use my skills in collaboration, ...
“You don’t appreciate (Carson City) until you leave,” she said. “I did leave 10 years ago and traveled the world and went to Arizona.” While she recently lost her bid for the city’s clerk-recorder position, she has maintained consistently that she loves spending time most with fa...
Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project (2019) Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Mike Wallace Is Here (2019) Self (archive footage) I Am Mother (2019) Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Ancient Aliens (2019) (TV Series) - Self (1 episode, 2019) The Alien Phenomenon (一月 4...
Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project (2019) Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Mike Wallace Is Here (2019) Self (archive footage) I Am Mother (2019) Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Ancient Aliens (2019) (TV Series) - Self (1 episode, 2019) The Alien Phenomenon (一月 4...