* Updated 2025年2月24日星期一 23時42分51秒 Carson City time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Partly sunny. 18 / 3 °C Humidity: 38%. Wind: 19 km/h↑from Southeast ...
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Current local time in USA – Nevada – Carson City. Get Carson City's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Carson City's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Stay in the heart of downtown Carson City. Our modern boutique hotel offers a warm, contemporary ambiance and travel essentials for business and leisure in Nevada's capital city. Learn More Max Trivia Showdown! Sit in the Hotseat and answer your way to the top prize of $200!
córnico: Carson City danés: Carson City eslovaco: Carson City esloveno: Carson esloveno: Carson City español: Carson City (Nevada) español: Ciudad de Carson (Nevada) español: Ciudad de Carson esperanto: Carson City esperanto: Carsonurbo estonio: Carson City euskera: Carson City euske...
内华达州-Nevada-Carson City-卡森城-The Lakes-NV 州英文名称 Nevada 州中文名称 内华达州 州二字代码 NV 州主要城市 The Lakes 州首府名称 Carson City 州首府中文 卡森城 邮政编码ZIP 88901 地区代码 702上一篇: 内华达州-Nevada-卡森城-Cars... 下一篇: 新墨西哥州-New Mexico-圣菲-......
Nevada's capital, Carson City is located along the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada, in the Eagle Valley, just east of Lake Tahoe, south of Reno, and north of Douglas County and the Carson Valley communities of Minden, Gardnerville, and Genoa....
Carson City, capital of Nevada, U.S., in Eagle Valley near the eastern foothills of the Sierra Nevada range, 30 miles (48 km) south of Reno and 14 miles (23 km) east of Lake Tahoe. Founded in 1858 on the site of Eagle Station (later Eagle Ranch), it took
Recharge your western spirit in Carson City, the heart of Nevada. Plan your trip, find hotels, learn about events & explore the area.
Looking for Carson City, Nevada? Find out information about Carson City, Nevada. Carson City, city , state capital, W Nev., in the Eagle valley; inc. 1875. The city is a trade center for a mining and agricultural area. State government... Explanation of