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Carson City, capital of Nevada, U.S., in Eagle Valley near the eastern foothills of the Sierra Nevada range, 30 miles (48 km) south of Reno and 14 miles (23 km) east of Lake Tahoe. Founded in 1858 on the site of Eagle Station (later Eagle Ranch), it took
The Kit Carson Trail is a path through Carson City’s historic district. It features stops at landmarks including 1800s-era Victorian-style homes, museums and churches. Nearly 50 landmarks telling the story of the capital city’s history are featured along the Kit Carson Trail. In this vid...
as the capital city of Nevada. Granted, our town isn't very large. (At least when compared against other cities nationwide, that is; as far as communities within the Silver State go, we do rank among the largest.) And, yes, being the seat of state government does have a huge impact...
Carson City noun Carson City, Nevada Somos lo único que hace ruido entre aquí y Carson City. We are the only thing making noise between here and Carson City. HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource capital of Nevada noun Open Multilingual Wordnet 显示算法生成的翻译 将...
Eventually, however, Carson City’s population and economy would decline as other railroads and western towns were built up. By 1930, Carson City had a population of just 1,500 people, even billing itself “America’s smallest capital”. ...
翻译 Carson City 释义 卡森城(美国内华达州首府);[地名] [美国] 卡森城 实用场景例句 全部 Does this train pass throughCarson City? 这班火车经过卡逊市 吗 ? 互联网 英英释义 Noun 1. capital of the state of Nevada; located in western Nevada...
Carson City (redirected fromCarson City, Nevada) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Carson City The capital of Nevada, in the western part of the state near the California border on the east side of Lake Tahoe. Named for Kit Carson, it grew after the discovery of the Comstock Lode in ...
Stay in the heart of downtown Carson City. Our modern boutique hotel offers a warm, contemporary ambiance and travel essentials for business and leisure in Nevada's capital city. Learn More Minute to Hit it! Are you up for the challenge?
Define Carson City, NV. Carson City, NV synonyms, Carson City, NV pronunciation, Carson City, NV translation, English dictionary definition of Carson City, NV. The capital of Nevada, in the western part of the state near the California border on the east