"The animated series "Cars on the road" takes us on a journey with Lightning McQueen and Mater as they embark on various adventures on the open road. The animation is certainly eye-catching, with vibrant colors and intricate details that make the world come to life. Despite this, the plot...
The Disney+ Original series follows Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) and his best friend Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) as they head east from Radiator Springs on a cross-country road trip to meet up with Mater’s sister. "The series is a romp across the country with...
Here, Lightning McQueen is an up-and-coming local racer on the Eastern seaboard, competing in regional events under sponsorship of Smell Swell Deodorizer. One day at the Simpletown Speedway, McQueen's management drops him in favor of another driver, whose "stinky" driving apparently suited Smell...
McQueen. 我们要去探索的是已知和未知的边界 We straddle the thin veil between the known and the unknown. 我们在寻找神秘生物 - 神秘生物? We hunt cryptids. - Cryptids? 就是那些我们不知道的生物 Creatures on the fringes of our perception. 比如卓柏卡布拉 天蛾人 Which include your Chupacabras, ...
Cars on the Road: With Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Toks Olagundoye, Robin Atkin Downes. Lightning McQueen and Mater go on a cross-country road trip to see Mater's sister.
Funny: On The Road (Cars) Lightning McQueen is a fancy and well-celebrated race car after having just won the Piston Cup. After the race, McQueen is traveling with his big rig, Mack, to California. Mack is a sixteen-wheeler that looks a lot like a standard semi-truck, except he carri...
Cars on the Road《赛车总动员:公路旅行(2022)》第一季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,真不敢相信公路旅行就要结束了 I cant believe this trip is almost over. 想到接下来可以搭飞机回家了 就感觉很幸福 Its going to feel so good to hop on a plane and fly back hom
TitledCars on the Road, the series sees everyone's favorite racer, Lightning McQueen, and his best tow-truck friend, Mater, going on a trip across the country to meet with Mater's sister for her wedding. Each episode is going to be a mini-adventure for the two complete with "twists an...
Mack's cab is painted red, and has a chrome grille with his name on it. The trailer he hauls around is red and grey, showing Lightning McQueen, the Rust-eze logo, the number 95, and Lightning's name painted on each side. He has aluminum rims, resembling 2005–present Ford F-450/F...
‘Cars on the Road’: How Pixar’s Animated Series Pays Homage to Ray Harryhausen and ‘The Shining’ Creator Steve Purcell tells IndieWire about plotting tributes to classic cinema along Lightning McQueen and Mater's cross-country Disney+ trek. ...