A continuation of Pixar’s animated domination, 2006’s Cars introduces us to Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson), a rising star on the racing circuit. On the way to a big competition in California, he falls out of his tractor-trailer and ends up stuck in Radiator Springs, a burg...
Lightning McQueen: Okay, Here We Go. Focus. Speed. I’m speed. One winner. 42 losers. I eat losers for Breakfast. Breakfast? Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast? A little Breakfast could Feen good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. Speed! I'm faster t
it's a gift that sings with life. The set comes with a Lightning McQueen diecast car, which is a perfect replica of the beloved character from the Disney Pixar movies. The set also includes a Lightning McQueen song life is a highway, adding an extra layer of excitement to playtime. Whe...
Cast (in credits order) verified as complete Larry the Cable Guy ... Mater (voice) Owen Wilson ... Lightning McQueen (voice) Michael Caine ... Finn McMissile (voice) Emily Mortimer ... Holley Shiftwell (voice) Eddie Izzard ... Sir Miles Axlerod (voice) ...
Two new Cars on the Road videos reveal the Pixar show's charming theme song and offers new looks at Lightning McQueen and Mater's return. By Maxance Vincent Sep 5, 2022 Interviews Marc Sondheimer, Bobby Podesta, Steve Purcell & Brian Fee Interview: Cars on the Road Cars on the Road...
|Owen Wilson|Lightning McQueen|| [/table] Music Original Score Composed & Conducted by Randy Newman Additional Source Music Written by Mitchell Froom [table caption=”Songs”] Song|Composer/ Lyricist|Performers|Notes Also Sprach Zarathustra|Written by Richard Strauss||Courtesy of Walt Disney Records ...
Let’s talk about the characters.Lightning McQueenis such a good protagonist who goes from arrogant to likable in a familiar, but well realized and step-by-step manner.Doc Hudsonis also terrific as this bitter old man who was forgotten after being a great racer in his time.Sallyis a likab...
songjiaming157 出一套全新未拆封的闪电麦昆,还有原来外纸箱,盒子有封口贴 出一套全新未拆封的闪电麦昆,还有原来外纸箱,盒子有封口贴 出一套全新未拆封的闪电麦昆,还有原来外纸箱,盒子有封口贴 CiCi_七秀 1-10 38 (分享)SPHERO 赛车总动员3闪电麦昆 陌上无敌 楼主从5月份开始就关注此款产品,因为小时候对...
Once again, this trilogy capper opens with a pep talk, a rock song, gathered friends, a big race looming, insults traded between competitors, and a montage of racetrack imagery. At the Dinoco Light 350 race, the arc of Lightning McQueen’s legacy has come full circle: he’s now the ...
Sally, overhearing their conversations, offers Lightning a place in the Cozy Cone Motel. The next day, when McQueen returns from a drive with Sally in Tailfin Pass, he is greeted by Mater, who hurriedly informs them that is anyone were to ask of their whereabouts the night before, they ...