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Westgate Entertainment Center, located in Lima, Ohio, has added bumper cars and more video games to their arcade.According toLima News, new Spin Zone bumper cars were added as well as arcade games likeHaloandJurassic Park. “Once Covid hit, we were shut down and we had a lot of time on...
Limaland Motorsports Park Lima, OH 29 MAY USAC SpeeD2 MTM Series US 24 Speedway Logansport, IN 4 JUNE USAC SpeeD2 MTM Series Gas City I-69 Speedway Gas City, IN FEB 15, 20212021 race preparations under way The off-season is an opportunity to upgrade and prepare. The 3W Racing sh...
It is now clear that a significant portion of the cars presented today as Chevron B19s were actually constructed in the 1980s or 1990s. The production of new Chevron B19s has persisted ever since. While the FIA's Historic Technical Passport system permits modern-built cars to compete, ...