I had this posting listed simultaneously on Craigslist, but it indeed sold it via your website. Thank you, Dean!" Dick Roberts Wed, Oct 16, 2019 "Once again "Sold", on this well visited site! My 1952 sold after calls from several different states. It's amazing to me how many buyers...
Finally, selling your junk car online can result in faster sales. When you sell through Craigslist, classifieds, or a junk yard in your area, it can take time to find a buyer who is willing to pay the price you’re looking for. With online methods, you can reach a larger audience and...
I answered an ad on Craigslist offering 4×4 rides for $100, not much more than a regular taxi! I asked my daughter to take down the license plate of the Jeep when it came in case I got murdered. I did not. I rented a very nice Chrysler 300S and raced in the night down the s...
ELEVEN DOLLARS SAVED PER YEAR.If you want to be generous, assume the car is good for thirty years, fuel prices remain stable, and you choose to own it for 450,000 miles. That’s a savings of $335.10 over three