though it seems that we have a rare instance of a car with functioning A/C that actually does need the occasional recharge - a nice relief from the typical Craigslist seller's refrain. With a fresh timing belt, water pump, and A/C service, this 164 LS offers the rare opportunity to ex...
We offer an affordable rate of $10 USD and great exposure on our front page, Facebook page, and daily email newsletter. Send us an existing eBay/Craigslist/online postingORsimply supply us with some photos and the basic info on your car and we'll take care of the rest. ...
Knowing I was on a tight timeline, David quickly arranged for an inspector to look at the car, and for the car to be towed to their locally affiliated facility. Within a few hours of my car leaving my property, the money was wired to my bank account. Even though I'm in NJ outside...