I had this posting listed simultaneously on Craigslist, but it indeed sold it via your website. Thank you, Dean!" Dick Roberts Wed, Oct 16, 2019 "Once again "Sold", on this well visited site! My 1952 sold after calls from several different states. It's amazing to me how many buyers...
Selling a car on Craigslist seems straightforward. You post an ad a classified ad for everyone in your local area to see. This will include your phone number, email, and other contact information. You get calls from multiple interested buyers, set up a time to meet with whoever gives you ...
Why Craigslist Is Not the Best Place to Sell Junk Cars How Long Do Dodge Rams Last? How Long Do Ford F150s Last? Selling Junk Cars: A Unique and Surprising Source of Income What to Do with A Car With a Cracked Engine Block Reasons Why You Should Not Leave Your Junk Car in Your Yar...
10 days ago in Los Angeles, CA WORLD CLASS German Rottweiler pups for sale. Get the best. Best looking, best ... $1,495 Westie - West Highland 4 days ago in Long Beach, CA Born on October 27, 2024, The puppies are more than 8 weeks old. The puppies don... ...
haggling. I wouldn't use craigslist, as it is mostly the hole-in-the-wall dealerships with as-is cars. I would just drive down Blackstone, and stop at the dealerships that catch your eye, or that have the vehicle you are looking for. Look at multiple dealers, before settling on a ...
Finally, selling your junk car online can result in faster sales. When you sell through Craigslist, classifieds, or a junk yard in your area, it can take time to find a buyer who is willing to pay the price you’re looking for. With online methods, you can reach a larger audience and...
If you now live on a trending city, you can create a Craigslist post where you ask if anyone is willing to sell your junk car for cash, post something like “Sell my junk car, instant offer”, since everyone with a non working vehicle is looking to get rid off it fast and easy, ...