In a mid-credits scene, he and McQueen are seen near a cliff as Mater is fishing with his tow-cable. He then finds his old hood and exclaims that he hasn't seen it in 20 years. A few seconds after putting it back on which fits perfectly, he sneezes and the hood falls back to ...
An angry McQueen lashes out at Cruz in Mack's trailer, complaining that he spent the entire day having to take care of her. He states that he has to win his next race to continue in the sport, saying she wouldn't understand since she's not a racer. At the end of his rant, McQue...
1 Piston Cup Racing Series 2 Doc Hudson 3 Mater 4 Cruz Ramirez 5 Goofs When Mater throws his damaged hood on the ground, it is nowhere to be seen afterwards. Trivia Something worth noting is that this likely the only short part of theCars Toonsseries to not have a canon scene inRadiato...
I don't care what the ratings were, this was my favoriteCarsmovie and always will be! King Phelous·4/11/2024 Copy Link R.I.P. Dan Wallin. Foxythepiratefox08 YKT·1/27/2024 Copy Link Everyone hates this movie, but I love this movie, the movie is 3 years younger than me, and ...
into the water, attracting the Demogorgon monster, which captures Barb and takes her to the Upside Down. The Bangles cover of “Hazy Shade of Winter” kicks in after Barb is taken, playing over a contrasting scene of Nancy and Steve making out before the episode’s end credits begin to ...
Forza Horizon 4 takes place across the vast landscape of Scotland, and now the first proper expansion for the game has only just launched. In this Forza Hori...
Cars 3: Driven to Winis his first playable appearance. Although he was shown to be Cruz's hauler in theCars 3credits, in 2019,Mattelreleased a playset featuring "Cruz Ramirez's Hauler". And it was in addition revealed in the former's appearance inCars on the Roadthat his trailer is ba...
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"I'll put it simple. If you're goin' hard enough left, you'll find yourself turnin' right." —Doc Hudson, Cars Doc Hudson, also known as the Fabulous Hudson Hornet, is one of the two overarching protagonists of the Cars franchise (alongside Stanley), ser