A continuation of Pixar’s animated domination, 2006’sCarsintroduces us to Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson), a rising star on the racing circuit. On the way to a big competition in California, he falls out of his tractor-trailer and ends up stuck in Radiator Springs, a burg bypa...
tollini May 31, 2006 Permalink 7/10 Adult scepticism turned to real delight over this film animation I saw a trailer of this and made the adult(without children) mental note: "won't bother"! So glad I saw it when visiting my niece and her two young children. We had a movie outing ...
several North American cities, including Detroit, Toronto, Phoenix, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Washington, DC, and Miami, among others. Mattel and LEGO have produced toys derived from the movie. To promote the movie and its products, Lego recreated the officialCars 2trailer usingLEGObricks....
Cars Game Trailer Cars System Requirements Minimum : Windows(R) 2000/XP DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) 1.2Ghz Pentium III or equivalent AMD Athlon XP processor 256 MB RAM 1.4 GB free hard drive space 8x CD-ROM GeForce 2 – ATI 7500 or better with at least 32 MB of Video RAM...
manager. He soon consents but she once again gets nothing for it. As punishment for refusing to work for Orson, Dutch then rapes Christy in her trailer until Molly breaks in and punches him. Christy finds comfort in Casey, while Molly does the same with John, who defected from Orson's ...
In the first official teaser trailer of Cars 2, for unknown reasons, Lightning McQueen has his Rust-eze customization on, which never appeared in the sequel. It may be because the new paint job was not finalized at the time of the release of the teaser trailer. Likewise, in the first ...
How to find the "Another Treasure Chest of Cars Eggs" Easter Egg in Cars. 1. The voice of Mack, John Ratzenberger, is most famous for his role as the mailman in Cheers. Since Pixar started he’s been a character voice in every movie they’ve ma
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He can't even kill a bumblebee without mourning for its life (this was shown in the Cars teaser trailer). Larry the Cable Guy mentioned that Mater isn't self-conscious about how others view him. His favorite ice cream is pistachio ice cream, as shown in Cars 2 when he mistakes wasabi...
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