DanitsaMarcosReisRobertaSenaDalleMolleRobertaMachadoingentaconnectAppetite LondonRodrigues DM, Reis RS, Dalle Molle R, et al. Decreased comfort food intake and allostatic load in adolescents carrying the A3669G variant of the glucocorticoid receptor gene. Appetite. 2017;116:21- 8. http://dx....
In our research, we decided to conduct the analysis based on the first approach of foodshed determination, which verifies the interaction between food origin and its consumer market. Our work expands this approach through delimitating foodshed zones and providing a more detailed analysis of obtained...
CD38 has been regarded as a therapeutic target for MM, and daratumumab is the first human anti-CD38 antibody approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating MM [37,38]. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the second to report the development of an antibody-conjugated NP ...