Nanomaterials have been well demonstrated to have the potential to be used for tumor cell-targeted drug delivery. Targeted inhibition of miR-221 was proved to promote the sensitivity of triple genitive breast cancer (TNBC) cells to chemo-drugs. In order
To investigate the ability of patient fibroblast cells with single-point mutations in the mitochondrial genome to undergo iPSC reprogramming using an RNA approach, SBG1-3,5 and BJ fibroblast cell lines were transfected with non-modified POU5F1, SOX2, KLF4, cMYC, NANOG and LIN28 mRNAs, immune ...
binding capacity, compatibility to 384-well microplates, free-flow elution of tunable elution rate, and precision. Therefore, we had to develop and optimize these tools ourselves. We made our own single columns and column arrays (Fig.2d,j). We used ...
However, there remains a need to optimize antigen-adjuvant combinations to maximize vaccine efficacy and increase vaccine production capacity to address infectious disease outbreaks or future pandemics, as demonstrated by the current COVID-19 pandemic. The urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic demanded ...
4.13. Determination of Appetite-Controlling Hormone, Neurotransmitter, Oxidative, Anti-Oxidative Capacity, Lipid Peroxidation, DNA Damage, Stress Hormone and Inflammation Markers Three fishes were randomly collected from each tank (9 fish/treatment) for biochemical assay. Brains were removed and a pool ...