It's origin is straightforward:when you get carry–out, you carry it out of the place where you get it. The term carry-out is sometimes contrasted with the terms eat-in and delivery, such as on a restaurant sign that says Eat-in / Carry-out / Delivery. What is a carry in and car...
transitive verb car·ryˈkar-ē carried;carrying 1 :to harbor (a pathogen) within the body many are unaware theycarrythe virus and could be infecting others—Donald MacGillis 2 :to possess a specified gene women whocarrygenes that increase the risk of breast cancer—Liz Szabo ...
as in "He tried to pick out the tune of a song." Another meaning associated with carry out is the physical exertion involved in exercise, as in "I work out regularly to keep fit." The phrase "work out" can also refer to a situation ...
carry something ↔ out meaning, definition, what is carry something ↔ out: to do something that needs to be organiz...: Learn more.
cipher, cypher, compute, reckon, figure 7. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of 同义词:solve, figure out, puzzle out, lick, work 8. give a workout to 同义词:exercise, work find out:vt. 找出(查明,发现,想出,认识到,揭发出来)...
abring about,carry out,find out,give up,hand in,make out,pass on,point out,put away,put off,think over,turn down,work ont,turn out 达到,执行,发现,放弃,递,做,通过,指出,投入,推迟,认为,转动下来,工作ont,结果[translate]
I did make one adjustment in the aftermath of Ned's attack. I hauled my H&K [handgun] and holster out of the trunk at the foot of my bed. If Ned was declaring war, I'd be carrying. Sue Graftoncarry 2 of 2 noun plural carries 1 : carrying power especially : the range of ...
Definition of carry verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
carry - language carries cues to meaning carry - lite up carry - the taxes are carried forward carry (carrytrade, carry trading)- financial carry (pretérito)- grammar carry (put up with) carry (referred to stock) carry / carry out a contract ...
Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand, and in knowing the meaning of using the natural resources. The course covers geography and geology. You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly overseas, and a research in an area of interest to you in...