If you've already streamed it and still have an appetite for more action, here are 5 movies like "Carry-On" — and where you can stream them — so you can continue to stay on the edge of your seat. 'Die Hard' Die Hard (1988) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers - YouTube ...
The doctor arrived after a short time, and opened with “You have lost a lot of weight.” (Well, good morning to you, too, ma’am. Sheesh.) “Yes…my spouse is kind of worried about that. He thinks I’m too thin and I didn’t think it was a bad idea to get checked out.”...
I remember feeling as if I were walking on unsteady ground as we left the doctor’s office without our baby. I remember looking at my husband as we drove away in our truck, telling him we have to stay together forever in spite of this, and how he looked at my like I was crazy to...