Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: zanahoria carrot [ˈkærət] A. N→ zanahoria fto dangle a carrot in front of sb or offer sb a carrot→ ofrecer un incentivo a algn B. CPD carrot cake N→ pastel m de zanahoria Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition...
The meaning of CARROT is a biennial herb (Daucus carota of the family Apiaceae synonym Umbelliferae, the carrot family) with a usually orange spindle-shaped edible root; also : its root. How to use carrot in a sentence.
Define carroty. carroty synonyms, carroty pronunciation, carroty translation, English dictionary definition of carroty. adj. 1. Bright orange in color. 2. Having red hair; carrot-topped. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi
The meaning of CARROT is a biennial herb (Daucus carota of the family Apiaceae synonym Umbelliferae, the carrot family) with a usually orange spindle-shaped edible root; also : its root. How to use carrot in a sentence.
, the two protagonists are both preteens, whereas inReturn to Earth, the main character is about eighteen, but she gets help and advice from a middle-aged male friend; yet in both books, it is the young woman who is the one who steps up to take action when it’s needed, even if ...