I will make sure to come down to Vegas from Davis (COVID willing). Please send my regards to my cousins. I wish we had more contact over the years. - Kevin Just a note to say that I will always miss Marilyn. And she will always have a place in my heart. I know she is in a...
(Optional) Login to Huggingface to use gated models/datasets. huggingface-cli login Get the token at huggingface.co/settings/tokensCloud GPUFor cloud GPU providers that support docker images, use winglian/axolotl-cloud:main-lateston Latitude.sh use this direct link on JarvisLabs.ai use this dire...
doi: 10.1002/1097-0258(20010115)20:13.0.CO;2-K. [ Cross Ref ]Spiegelman D, Carroll RJ, Kipnis V: Efficient regression calibration for logistic regression in main study/internal validation study designs with an imperfect reference instrument. Stat Med. 2001, 20: 139-160. 10.1002/1097-0258(...
Measuring Foreign Language Learning Aptitude. Polish Adaptation of The Modern Language Aptitude Test By Carroll and Sapon This article sets itself two main aims. The first is to describe the rationale behind the decision to adapt for Polish learners the