The critical composition of the mixture of oxygen (entering the cargo tanks with air) and cargo vapors (remaining in the tanks after the cargo is unloaded) is indicated, at which a flash and explosion may occur. It was determined that the main technological opera...
The common general bulk carrier that predominated in the latter half of the twentieth century took the form shown in Figure 3.4d with double bottom, hopper sides, and deck wing tanks. These latter tanks have been used for the carriage of light grain cargoes as well as water ballast. Specifi...
The increased surface area reduces the footprint of the tanks required to treat the wastewater. The media is continuously agitated by bubbles from the aeration system that adds oxygen at the bottom of the first compartment of the aeration tank. The microorga...
With sustainable bioenergy in the European energy mix, intermediate bioenergy carriers (IBC) become of growing importance, as they can ensure a more efficient utilisation of biomass feedstocks from agricultural and forest residues. A high potential for m
The first step before approaching a port or transport facility is for the tanks to be emptied of any remaining oxygen. O2 is a highly volatile gas that easily combusts, especially in the presence of substances such as LNG or CNG. So, an inert gas is pumped into the chamber until the oxy...
Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in membrane bioreactor: Effect of dissolved oxygen 2022, Journal of Environmental Management Show abstract The optimization and regulation of energy consumption for MBR process: A critical review 2022, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Show abstract Rese...
1. Classification of cargo tanks for ships BOG into the cargo tank, but has the disadvantage of being difficult to enlarge due to its shape and having low space efficiency. Hyundai Heavy Industries Group completed the conceptual design of a 20 K class liquid hydrogen carrier and received ...
Chemical looping reforming of CH 4 in the presence of CO 2 using ilmenite ore and NiO-modified ilmenite ore oxygen carriers In this paper, a naturally occurring ilmenite ore and the same ore modified with NiO were employed as oxygen carriers for chemical looping reforming of CH4... Z Sun,DY...
When air is present in the insulation layer, the main components of air molecules, i.e., oxygen and nitrogen, can solidify, thus potentially damaging the insulation system or causing safety issues. Consequently, for LH2 storage tanks, vacuum insulation is necessary, and pressure tanks capable ...
Mussels,Mytilus galloprovincialis(3.5–4.5 cm shell length) were collected in Plentzia, Bay of Biscay (43° 24′ 41.9′′ N 2° 57′ 01.1′′ W), a relatively clean site76. Animals were acclimatized for 2 days in aerated tanks with seawater (0.5 L/mussel at 18 °C), daily food sup...