Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...
Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...
Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...
Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...
Maenaka "Integrated multi-sensor system for intelligent data carrier", The 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators , vol. 1, pp.88 -91T. Fujita, K. Inoue, A. Tsuchitani, S. Arita, and K. Maenaka: Integrated multi-sensor system for intelligent ...
Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...
Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...
Systems and techniques for a sensor carrier, and intelligent track infrastructure for the navigation and operation of the sensor carrier are described. The sensor carrier is an autonomous robot navigating a track. The carrier holds cameras and other sensors to receive horticultural images and telemetry...