Edward Hallett Carr (28 June 1892 – 5 November 1982) was a British historian, international relations theorist, and fierce opponent of empiricism within historiography. He was educated at the Merchant Taylors' School in London, and Trinity College, Cambridge. He joined the British Foreign and Com...
But a still greater danger lurks in the Collingwood hypothesis. If the historian necessarily looks at his period of history through the eyes of his own time, and studies the problems of the past as a key to those of the present, will he not fall into a purely pragmatic view of the fac...
hasbeenpublishedinPelicans,includingtheBolshevikRevolution,TheInterregnum,and twovolumesofSocialisminOneCountry.ProfessorCarr'smostrecentbook,acollection ofessays,is1917:BeforeandAfter(1968). I.TheHistorianandHisFacts IOFTENTHINKITODDTHATITSHOULDBESODULL,FORAGREATDEAL ...
Carr (1961, 23, 9) lectured on how historical facts are "like fish swimming about in a vast and sometimes inaccessible ocean." What the "historian catches will depend, partly on chance," but may also be "determined by the kind of fish he wants to catch." In The New Twenty Years' ...
(17) E. H. Carr,What Is History?(1961) History... is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and his facts, an unending dialogue between the present and the past.
Carr with his annexing future to past and present. He then goes astray, I suppose, out of the right path of his scientific argument. He asserts that only the future can afford the key to the past; that only the historian who has a prospective insight into the future can attain the ...
the first place, it is not with facts like these that the historian is primarily concerned. It is no doubt important to know that the great battle was fought in 1066 and not in 1065 or 1067, and that it was fought at Hastings and not at Eastbourne or Brighton. The historian must not...
and the Romans marched into a plain that grew drier and sandier with each passing day, a demoralizing sight for the legionaries. Ariamnes departed from their camp before his deceit was uncovered. During this time messengers came from Artavasdes to inform Crassus that the Parthians had invade...