你们想要的1.14.4地毯端汉化出来了 短期内不会更新了,,等官方出语言文件支持再行更新。。 鸣谢@闪电小绿 === 汉化下载地址:https://github.com/Forgot-Dream/fabric-carpetmod_1.14.4_Chinese-ver/releases 原版下载地址:https://github.com/gnembon/fabric-carpet/releases === 怎么用?什么?你还不会用? 就...
地毯模组(Carpet Mod)的一些常用指令 地毯模组(Carpet Mod)是以fabric作为服务器核心的技术生存类服务器常用模组, 由于其功能完备,种类繁多,为技术生存类服务器提供了很多便利。 对于刚接触地毯模组的玩家来说,由于选项太多导致无从下手。 因此我列举一些生电服中地毯模组的一些常用选项和设置: 首先说明: 默认为fabri...
Carpet mod is a fabric mod for Minecraft 1.14.4+ that allows you to change many different game mechanics like movable block entities, TNT block destroying and much more. It also can display information about the mobcaps, the TPS and MSPT, etc. Other important features are for example tick ...
Fabric Carpet Version en español de estadocumentacion Cause all carpets are made of fabric? This is theFabricversion of Carpet Mod, for Minecraft 1.14.X, 1.15.X, 1.16.X and above. Carpet Mod is a mod for vanilla Minecraft that allows you to take full control of what matters from a ...
Carpet Mod is a mod for vanilla Minecraft that allows you to take full control of what matters from a technical perspective of the game. Test your farms over several hours in only a few minutes using /tick warp ...and then see a detailed breakdown of the items they produce using hopper...
Carpet Mod v1.4.56 for 1.17.1 Bygnembon ReleaseR Dec 1, 2021 1.37 MB 9.9K 1.17.1 Fabric File Name fabric-carpet-1.17.1-1.4.56+v211130.jar Supported Versions 1.17.1 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse...
carpet discarpet mod fabric carpet extension that adds discord functionality to scarpet server library social utility 3,992 download s 12 follower s created 2 years ago updated a month ago follow save report copy id host your minecraft server on bisecthosting - get 25% off your first month ...
我的世界假人背包是指使用Carpet模组的/player命令生成的假玩家的背包,它可以让你查看和管理假玩家的物品。要打开假人背包,你需要以下步骤:你需要安装Carpet模组,它支持Minecraft 1.12.2到1.17.1的多个版本。你可以选择Forge或Fabric作为模组加载器。你需要在游戏中使用/player命令生成一个假玩家,你可以指定假玩家...
Fabric Carpet Cause all carpets are made of fabric? How? Hwat? Follow instructions for all other fabric mods in https://fabricmc.net/use/ and dump carpet...jar in mods folder along with other compatible mods. Carpet Mod Settings antiCheatDisabled Prevents players from rubberbanding when movin...
Carpet Stairs Mod (1.20.5 - 1.19.4) mod allows for carpets to be placed and conform to the shape of staircase blocks, as well as onto slab blocks