Define call on the carpet. call on the carpet synonyms, call on the carpet pronunciation, call on the carpet translation, English dictionary definition of call on the carpet. Verb 1. call on the carpet - censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded t
n.(名词) carpet的基本意思是“地毯”,多由棉、毛制成,用来铺地板或楼梯,是可数名词。 词性常用度 动词 名词高考真题例句 高考真题例句 OG 1.carpet The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains. 这个拖车甚至还有配套的地毯和窗帘。 2017全国卷1近义词...
We are Long Island’s largest independent carpet retail provider. We stock and install all of your carpet needs. Call (516)285-0502 today!
Carpet Cleaning Greatwood TX uses just top-of-the-line carpet steam cleaners to make your floors clean as well as prolong the life span of the carpets.
我们今天要学的习惯用语都包括这样一个关键词汇,call。Call这个词最主要的意思是大声呼唤,但是大家一定知道call 用在不同的习惯用语里意思也会发生相应的变化。例如在今天要学的第一个习惯用语里:call sb. on the carpet。 Carpet是地毯。按照字面意思来看,cal...
按照字面意思来看,call sb. on the carpet 就是召唤某人到地毯 上来。 你当然明白作为习惯用语它不表示这样的意思。 这个短语的起源可以追溯到一个多世纪前的英国和美国,和现 代相比当时家里 使用仆役 是比较普遍的情况。 要是主人对仆人的 工作不满意,就会把仆人叫到客厅来训斥, 而主人用的客厅往往铺着地毯...
We are your carpet cleaning Regina specialists! ✅. We clean everything including rugs to carpets, upholstery, pet stains and more. ☎️ Call our experienced team today for a free quote!
Carpet prices have soared over the past few years making it a major homeowner expense! So if you are planning to buy new carpet for your home anytime soon, you would be wise to discover the answers to these six critical issues:
To call on the carpet means toreprimand someone, to be summoned before one’s boss or other superior in order to be criticized, scolded or blamed for some sort of mistake or infraction. The idiomcall on the carpethas had an interesting journey. The first idiom that may be associated with...
The meaning of CARPET is a heavy often tufted fabric used as a floor covering; also : a floor covering made of this fabric. How to use carpet in a sentence.