Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by finger numbness, stabbing pain, weak wrist holding power, etc. The disease is caused by thickening and enlargement of the wrist transversal ligament, the narrowing of the carpal canal after trauma, or finger flexor tendon tissue edema, which is due to ...
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a collection of characteristic symptoms and signs that occurs following compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Usual symptoms include numbness, paresthesias, and pain in the median nerve distribution. These symptoms may or may not be accompanied by...
腕隧道症候群(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome;CTS)腕隧道症候群(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome;CTS)*症狀:手掌痛且麻,起初是短暫的麻痛,例如睡覺中因為手麻而醒過來,或騎摩托車一陣子就手好麻好麻。有時後手甩一甩可以把麻痛減輕,但是最後越來越嚴重,麻痛就會變成一直不停,而手上的肌肉也會萎縮。在拇指、食指及中指的...
腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS)指因正中神经通过腕管处受压而产生的一组症状和体征。患者通常会有正中神经支配区的疼痛与感觉异常,而无力则较为少见。它是严重致残的病因,并且是三种常见的正中神经卡压综合征之一,另外两种是前骨间神经综合征和旋前...
(See also Overview of Hand Disorders.) The carpal tunnel is called a tunnel because it is the narrow passageway through which nerves and tendons pass through the wrist to the hand. The tunnel is made of the surrounding tendons, ligaments, and bones. The median nerve is located at the...
Carpal_tunnel_syndrome腕道症候群(中英文)Carpaltunnelsyndrome腕道症候群 Causes原因 Themediannerveentersthehandthroughthecarpaltunnel.正中神经通过腕道穿过手部Thistunnelisnarrow这条通道比较狭窄Anyswellingcanpinchthenerveandcausepain,numbness,tinglingorweakness.任何弯曲都会挤压到这条神经,从而导致疼痛,麻痹,麻...
A person with carpal tunnel syndrome may wake up feeling the need to “shake out” the hand or wrist. As symptoms worsen, people might feel tingling during the day. Decreased grip strength may make it difficult to form a fist, grasp small objects, or per
腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS)是指腕管的正中神经受压,引起拇指、食指和中指感觉异常、感觉减退、疼痛或麻木。患者常从睡眠中醒来,伴有正中神经分布区的烧灼感、麻木和麻刺感,晚期出现鱼际肌萎缩和肌无力,75%的患者为双侧发病。患者常会...