The scaphoid bone is the largest carpal bone of the proximal row. The scaphoid is a boat-shaped bone (“scaphos” in Greek means boat, hence its name) that lies just inferior to the anatomical snuffbox. It articulates proximally to the radius, and distally with the trapezium and trapezoid...
The wider superficial part is lateral to the dorsal tubercle and extends in an oblique manner between the distal radius with the dorsal surface of the triquetrum bone. The narrower deep part arises medial to dorsal tubercle attaches to the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament. The function of the...
It is the most common entrapment neuropathy [27] and provides good access to investigations of the function and structure of the affected nerve. We have demonstrated the presence of nerve degeneration and regeneration [26], intraneural [25], and systemic inflammation [28] using CTS as a model...
and it's on the rise. Thousands of cases are diagnosed each year. . . . Deriving its name from the Greek karpos, or wrist, the carpal tunnel is the passageway, composed of bone and ligament, through which a major nerve system of the forearm passes into the hand. The carpal tunnel is...
and it's on the rise. Thousands of cases are diagnosed each year. . . . Deriving its name from the Greek karpos, or wrist, the carpal tunnel is the passageway, composed of bone and ligament, through which a major nerve system of the forearm passes into the hand. The carpal tunnel is...
Most cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) are idiopathic, although several associated conditions have been previously described. Outlined here are some of the rare causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, including space-occupying lesions, inflammatory conditions, infection, trauma, and anatomic variants. Thes...
J Bone Joint Surg Br 79(4):576–582 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Katz JN, Simmons BP (2002) Clinical practice. Carpal tunnel syndrome. N Engl J Med 346(23):1807–1812 Article PubMed Google Scholar Lukacs Z (2013) High-risk population screening for Mucopolysaccharidoses and ...