老友记第一季第一集中2分40秒时候,莫妮卡说Carol moved her stuff out today.我听了很多遍,音标如下:/ˈkærəlmuːvdəsdʌdaʊtədeɪ/ stuff 和out 连读应该是/sdʌfaʊt/ ,难道我听错了么, 答案 她说太快了 是口误 结果二 题目 老友记第一季第一集中2分40秒时候,莫妮卡说Carol...
每日跟慢读一句《老友记》。Carol moved her stuff out today. #英语口语 - May英语口语于20210331发布在抖音,已经收获了10.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
老友记第一季第一集中2分40秒时候,莫妮卡说Carol moved her stuff out today.我听了很多遍,音标如下:/ˈkærəlmuːvdəsdʌdaʊtədeɪ/ stuff 和out 连读应该是/sdʌfaʊt/ ,难道
"Carol moved her stuff out today" 这句话可以连读,其中 "moved" 和 "her" 可以连读成 "mov-er","stuff" 和 "out" 可以连读成 "stuf-fout","today" 中的 "to" 可以弱读,读作 "tə"。因此,这句话的连读方式可以是: "Carol mov-er her stuf-fout təday." 需要注意的是,连读是一种自然...
老友记第一季第一集中2分40秒时候,莫妮卡说Carol moved her stuff out today.我听了很多遍,音标如下:/ˈkærəlmuːvdəsdʌdaʊtədeɪ/ stuff 和out 连读应该是/sdʌfaʊt/ ,难道
Q:Carolmoved her stuff out today. (Friends S01E01) 是什么意思? A:Carolmoved her belongings out of what is probably a shared residence. I believe the understanding is thatCarolhas chosen to end a relationship. 查看更多回答 Q:This wasCarol's favorite beer. She always drank it out of the...
5、carol: No. She was at work.(卡罗:没有,她在工作。) 6、carol: There are four shows today.(卡罗:我们今天有四个节目。) 7、carolmoved her stuff out today.(卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬走了。) 8、Now before I go on, let me just respond to somethingcarolwas saying—this idea that bats are...
Rachel told her classmates about Carol moved her stuff out, especially Ross. Julie had a heavy sign for Ross, but he felt himself fine. Sitting the sofa of Joey told Ross facts again she was a lesbian you knew it.原文Rachel said: Carol moved her stuff out today, let me get you some...
As I moved down the narrow aisle that bisected the container, I tried to take it all in. “This is insane.” “Maybe,” Locke said, turning to something on the wall near the door and a dozen monitors came to life. It gave us 360 degree views all around the rig. “But we wanted...
pants that she wore to our night out for dinner on Saturday evening. We all worked away on various projects. Kathy was the most productive. She had a different theme for every day. First she did Halloween work . This is one of several she worked on. Then she moved onto the a group ...