达菲以独白式的情诗和强烈的女性主义出名。目前的中译版有《爱是一种眼神》、《狂喜 蜜蜂》和《野兽派太太》。其中后者《The World's Wife》(我不喜欢这个中译名)是她最为著名的诗集之一,虽然我认为厌男情绪有些过重,但想象力丰富,聪明生趣,可以说是命题作文满分答案,播客《痴人之爱》为这本诗集做过一期节目。
the title word ‘Beautiful’ refers to female beauty. Yet, this beauty is often a negative thing, leading to exploitation. Duffy argues that the female body is used as a point of manipulation, and society sexualizes these bodies for its own gain. Especially in the third section of the po...
读到了Carol Ann Duffy的Mrs Beast一诗,这个调调让我想起中文互联网近几年关于爱情和婚姻的一些讨论。这首第一人称的叙事诗隐约有林毛毛那味儿干嘛和王子结婚?君不见小美人鱼成泡沫,白雪公主离开七个小矮人悔不当初,而野兽、牛头人、熊的妻子搓牌欢乐多,有钱有退路,还有更好的🌟生活。最后一句化用奥登的诗绝了...
Carol Ann ..原诗:This is a dramatic monologue, namely a poem written in the form of a speech of an individual char
Carol Ann Duffy Things assume your shape; discarded clothes, a damp shroud in the bathroom, vacant hands. This is not fiction. This is the plain and warm material of love. My heart assumes it.We wake. Our private language starts the day. We make familiar movements through the house. The...
A reading and gloss of Duffy’s poem ‘The Love Poem’ appeared in Carol Ann Duffy’s 2005 collection Rapture. It’s a love poem about love poetry, which uses other poets’ words to create a collage. You can read ‘The Love Poem’ here; in this post we’
This paper discusses vegetarian eco-feminist consciousness in Carol Ann Duffy's poetry by close analysis of two poems, namely "The Dolphins" and "A Healthy Diet" from her poem collection . The former is a dramatic monologue of a dolphin, which is exploited by people, and the latter is a ...
Stealing, Carol Ann Duffy The poem uses the first person and is written as a dramatic monologue, a well-organized narrative with the speaker’s comments. The poet explores the psychology of an anti-social character. He attempts to explain himself but reveals how far removed he is from the ...
卡罗尔·安·达菲(Carol Ann Duffy,1955年12月23日-),苏格兰诗人与剧作家,曼彻斯特都会大学现代诗学教授。 2009年5月1日,英国王室宣布卡罗尔·安·达菲为新任桂冠诗人,此项殊荣341年来一直被男性垄断的神话终于被打破。达菲是英国历史上首位获此荣衔的女性、第一个苏格兰人与公开的双性恋者,也是21世纪的首位得主。
States of Desire in Carol Ann Duffy's Early Love Poetry In Carol Ann Duffy's first four collections, desire is rarely a beneficent force. For Duffy, selfhood and self-awareness involve a sense of original exile, so the self is fundamentally directed towards completion by the other. Although...