I searched through the support groups, and online communities, but didn’t manage to find what exactly is allowed when it comes to ways of cooking – should you stick to the gill only, or can you boil, bake, etc.? I suppose there is no serious harm preparing your meat one way or th...
Eastern coyotes may live as solitary individuals, in pairs, or in small family groups, both in rural and urban areas. However, in areas where people do not kill them, the dominant social system is for them to live in small packs of 3 to 4 adults that raise pups each spring and guard...
as well as higher habitat connectivity values. This may be linked to the evidence that the golden jackal may use forest patches near human settlements (Giannatos et al.2005; Markov2012), i.e., highly fragmented areas.
We used telemetry to classify coyotes into three groups based on social class and home range composition: (1) residents with home ranges in urban nature preserves; (2) residents with home ranges that had a high proportion of urban land; and (3) transients that had relatively large home ...
It has been suggested that as a result of the dispersed and inert nature of this food, free-ranging dogs have little incentive to form cooperative groups [15,16]. The nature of human waste may have also played a role in the domestication of wolves Canis lupus; the 'self-domestication ...
Before the establishment of the National Park and the buffer zone, small groups of people (8–12) used to go hunting; however, this tradition no longer occurs, and now people hunt alone or in groups of two, sometimes accompanied by a dog. The smaller parties are thought to be less ...