The field of animal cognition has advanced rapidly in the last 25 years. Through careful and creative studies of animals in captivity and in the wild, we have gained critical insights into the evolution of intelligence, the cognitive capacities of a diverse array of taxa, and the importance of...
DietForaging behaviourStoats mustela-ermineaFood-habitsMeles-melesSizeThe honey badger, or ratel, Mellivora capensis has not been well studied despite its extensive distribution. As part of the first detailed study, visual observations of nine habituated free-living individuals (f...
The proportion of females among harvested adult moose was generally higher in Sweden than in Norway. The temporal pattern was comparable to that of the harvest density, though weaker. The proportion of females in adult harvest showed a hump-shaped form that peaked in 2010 in Norway, and two p...
During freeze-up, bears may favour dispersion over immediate foraging to minimize intraspecific competition or, for females with dependent young, minimize risk of predation on their cubs32,33. Late winter and spring coincide with the peak in ringed seal and bearded seal pupping, when the majority...
FA profiles of adult males and females varied significantly by season but there was a season by sex interaction, indicating that seasonal changes in diet differed by sex. FA profiles of adults also varied interannually, with a significant sex by year interaction. Interannual variability may have ...
Our results showed no statistical significance when analysed for differences in sex, age and seasonal factors. Some studies on mammals found a significant bias toward males, likely due to their larger home ranges, greater dispersal capabilities and less cautious behaviour compared to females (Coulson19...
dietforaging behaviourThe honey badger, or ratel, Mellivora capensis has not been well studied despite its extensive distribution. As part of the first detailed study, visual observations of nine habituated free-living individuals (five females, four males) were used to investigate seasonal, annual ...
Out of 12 road collisions for the striped hyaena, four were males, seven were females and one was a cub. Six road collisions occurred during winter (from January to March), four during spring (from April to June) and two during summer (from July to September) (Table S5). Predicted corr...
Protecting females with dependent young has therefore the potential to induce selectivity towards a lengthening of maternal care in the Scandinavian brown bear, with consequences for population generation time and age structure. Results Occurrence of maternal care tactics in the population We found that ...
Adult male and juvenile ferrets had equivalent diets, with prairie dogs constituting nearly 75% of their assimilated diet. In contrast, adult females obtained over one third of their diet from other species, notably mice. However, female ferrets appeared to have provisioned prairie dogs to their ...