Carnipure产品规格通常以L-肉碱-L-酒石酸盐 (LCLT) 形式使用,剂量为250–1000mg肉碱。 在复合成分补充剂中,Carnipure LCLT 通常含有500mg肉碱的剂量。 一般建议用量,含有2000mg纯L肉碱的Carnipure,这也是大多数成功的临床研究用量。 参考资料: 1.Volek JS et al.L-Carnitine L-tartrate supplementation favorably ...
Extensive research has shown the effectiveness of L-Carnitine in applications such as exercise, weight management, cardiovascular health and healthy aging. The great interest in Carnipure~(TM) can bernattributed to a number of factors including its efficacy, its excellent safety profile and, of ...
Extensive research has shown the effectiveness of L-Carnitine in applications such as exercise, weight management, cardiovascular health and healthy aging. The great interest in Carnipure~(TM) can be attributed to a number of factors including its efficacy, its excellent safety profile and, of ...