Carnarvon Guest Houses Carnarvon Self Catering &Holiday Apartments & Suites &Holiday Cottages & Chalets How to search by map Planning a visit to South Africa, but unfamiliar with all the towns and regions? Search for information, accommodation, attractions, activities, and things to do, by clickin...
地区代码 +27-59-(4932000...4932999) 位于 CARNARVON, NORTHERN CAPE (NC), 更多详细信息如下。 位置 国际拨号代码:27 国际前缀:00 国家前缀:0 国内目的地代码:59 用户号码从:4932000 用户号码至:4932999 国内目的地代码长度:2 采用国内目的地代码:是 ...
It seems likely that they had always intended to visit Hobart (Tasmania), the first Australian colony they would reach after leaving Cape Town on 1 October, then Melbourne (Victoria), Adelaide (South Australia) and Sydney (NSW), before sailing from Adelaide on 13 February to return to Europe...