Thomas D. Ferreira is a Divorce Attorney & Mediator in Carlsbad, California. Whether you are dealing with divorce or child custody issues, Thomas can help.
Both LLCs and LLPs can “pass through” earnings from the business entities to the members or partners to avoid having to file corporate taxes on the earnings and paying personal income taxes on the same earnings, which is known as “double taxation.” The difference is in how an LLC oper...
Free Consultation - Call (760) 720-9890 - DeVito & Nore, A.P.C. - Family Law & Mediation is dedicated to helping individuals and families in Divorce and Family Law cases.
Asset Protection.An essential partner to estate planning is a detailed strategy to protect the value of your estate. The fact is that the probate process can drain your assets before they can pass on to your heirs, thanks to estate taxes, the executor’s and attorney’s management fees, and...