卡尔蔡司医疗技术(德国)股份有限公司Carl Zeiss Meditec AG对准分子激光系统等产品主动召回 卡尔蔡司(上海)管理有限公司报告,由于搭载了尚未在日本批准的功能PRK(激光屈光矫正角膜切除术)以及PTK(治疗性表层角膜切除术)原因,生产商卡尔蔡司医疗技术(德国)股份有限公司Carl Zeiss Meditec AG对其生产的准分子激光系...
Carl Zeiss Meditec is an integrated medical technology company with two main areas of business activity. In the field of ophthalmology we offer complete solutions for treating the four main eye a ...
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German medical technology company Carl Zeiss Meditec said it is to raise 300 million euros ($324 million) in a share issue to help finance acquisitions. "Given the current dynamics and consolidation trends in our markets, we see significant opportunities in th...
SERI与Carl Zeiss Meditec合作,加强新加坡老龄人口的视力护理。2024年11月18日。新加坡领先的研究机构SERI宣布与全球医疗技术公司Carl Zeiss Meditec建立合作关系。此次合作旨在利用卡尔蔡司Meditec的先进眼科技术,加强新加坡老龄人口的视力护理。通过这一合作关系,SERI希望改进与年龄有关的眼病的早期发现和治疗,最终为提高该国...
雪球为您提供CARL ZEISS MEDITEC(CZMWY)股票实时行情,资金流向,新闻资讯,研究报告,社区互动,交易信息,个股点评,公告,财务指标分析等与CARL ZEISS MEDITEC(CZMWY)股票相关的信息与服务.
In financial year 2008/09 (30 September) a workforce of about 2,100 generated a turnover of € 640 million. The head office of Carl Zeiss Meditec is at Jena in Germany. In addition to further subsidiaries in Germany over 50% of the compa...
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surgery. Carl Zeiss Surgical is the world’s leading provider of visualization solutions in the two named fields. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG is based in Jena, Germany, with subsidiaries in the USA (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc.), Japan (Carl Zeiss Meditec Co., Ltd.), Spain (Carl Zei...
Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Carl Zeiss Meditec AG (Jena, DE) International Classes: B29D11/00;A61F2/16;G02C7/04 View Patent Images: Download PDF 20230190453 Primary Examiner: CENTRAL, DOCKET Attorney, Agent or Firm: ...
Carl Zeiss Meditec,Inc.,Dublin,Calif.,a leader in ophthalmic devices and systems,has unveiled the VISUCAM PRO NM non-mydriatic fundus camera for retinal imaging and was granted 510(k) clearance by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration.Imaging Update Group...