On Becoming a Person 基本信息 作者: Carl Rogers Paperback: 432页 出版社: Little Brown UK (2003年4月20日) 语种: 英语 ISBN: 9781845290573 产品尺寸及重量: 196 x 129 x 28 (mm) | 250g 页面参数仅供参考,具体以实物为准 书籍简介 这是――本写给“有智慧的普通人”的书。 20世纪50年代,罗杰斯成...
On Becoming By Carl Rogers Summary On Becoming a Person’ is a compilation of lectures and manuscripts drafted by Carl Rogers between 1951 and 1961. The book is deeply insightful and almost meditative in its explanation of how Rogers arrived at his person-centred approach to psychotherapy...
If there is one sentence that could summarize Rogers' On Becoming a Person, it is the following: "There is no beast in man; there is just man in man." As a therapist, Rogers' answer to psychological well-being is simple as such – we should become ourselves. First presented as the l...
Carl Rogers:Carl Rogers was a twentieth century psychologist who pioneered a significant approach to psychotherapy based on the concept of self-actualization and humanism. He was strongly influenced by predecessors Alfred Adler and Otto Rank.Answer and Explanation: ...
Carl RogersJean VanierdisabilitiesnoncompetitiontheologicalOver the past century, theologians and ethicists have expressed unease with the growing problem of competition in human relationships. While most agree that competition dissolves relationships of fidelity and trust between people, many have argued on ...
Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) movement. In 1956, Rogers became the first President of the American Academy of Psychotherapists.[6] He taught psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1957Ğ63), during which time he wrote one of his best-known books, On Becoming a Person (...
He told us that it was insane to do this with a real live animal: "Every time we come to a point that it says,And the monkey hisses or scowls,the monkey just smiles. And then it usually will give you a kiss on the hand. And you're like, 'You got to be abadmonkey!'" ...
But when we consider the repercussions on all other markets . . . then we seem to move into a different world. Equilibrium can only be restored in the other commodity markets if the prices of the other commodities are unchanged, and the price ratios between all current prices and all ...
“The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence” (Show more) Show More Carl Sagan(born November 9, 1934,Brooklyn,New York, U.S.—died December 20, 1996,Seattle, Washington) was an Americanastronomerandsciencewriter. A popular and influential figure in theUnited Stat...
Carl Ben Eielson was an American aviator and explorer who was a pioneer of air travel in Alaska and the polar regions. He and Australian-British polar explorer Sir George Hubert Wilkins made the first transpolar flight across the Arctic in an airplane, a