Journal of Family TherapyAnderson H. Postmodern collaborative and person-centred therapies: what would Carl Rogers say? J Fam Ther 2001;23:339-60.Anderson, H. (2001). Postmodern collaborative and person-centred therapies: What would Carl Rogers say? Journal of Family Therapy, 23(4), 339-360...
Carl Rogers (1902-1987) Best known for his contribution to client-centered therapy, Rogers was one of the founders of humanistic psychology, which promotes a more person-to-person approach to the traditional therapist-patient relationship, and emphasizes the responsibility and intention in human behav...
client-centered therapyThe unprecedented premise of the self-authority and self-determination of the person is that of the therapist's nondirective attitude. The dedication of Rogers to the value laden concept of nondirectivity throughout his life is reviewed. In Rogers' theory, the client is ...
Related to Carl R. Rogers:Client centered therapy The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Rogers, Carl Born Jan. 8, 1902, in Oak Park, III. American psychologist; one of the leaders of “humanistic psychology” and the ...
As most counselors know very well, person-centered theory and therapy began with and evolved from the thinking, research, and practice ofCarl Ransom Rogers(C. The development and evolution of person-centered expressive art therapy: a conversation with Natalie Rogers ...
Carl Rogers Person-Centered Therapy Principles and Philosophy ofPerson-Centered Therapy. Client-centered therapy was developed more than seventy years ago byCarlRogers‚ whom many therapists considered the most influential psychotherapist in history. InRogerslater years‚ he changed the name toperson-...
University of Chicago (1945Ğ57), Rogers helped to establish a counseling centre connected with the university and there conducted studies to determine the effectiveness of his methods. His findings and theories appeared in Client-Centered Therapy (1951) and Psychotherapy and Personality Change (1954...
All quotes by Carl R. Rogers (79 quotes) A Way of Being (12 quotes) Becoming Partners (2 quotes) Client-Centered Therapy (5 quotes) On Becoming a Person (29 quotes) Other quotes by Carl R. Rogers (31 quotes) Book of the week ...
This held true for the parent-child relationship and the therapist-patient relationship. What are the 3 components of Carl Rogers’ ‘Client-Centered Therapy?’ Rogers felt that effective psychotherapy required a constructive relationship between both parties, and required that therapist be genuine, sho...
As the daughter of Natalie Rogers and granddaughter of Carl Rogers I am happy to welcome you to what I hope will be a significant resource for anyone wanting to know about these two remarkable people, their ideas and their works. While their contributions to the field of psychology were diffe...