《Carl Jung》的原文摘录按热度排序 按页码排序 在这里,荣格促使我们一像他终身都在努力的那样 一不只是接受悖论,而是要全身心地拥抱它,因为悖论本身所反映的是“更高层面的知识生活”。正像他所说的那样,悖论“不是将未知强行变成已知”,而是“更为忠实地呈现事件的原貌”。这也正是《浮士德》中所传递的信息:...
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”– Carl Jung “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”– Carl Jung “The most terrifying thing is ...
Carl Jung--his story, his thought, and his impact on contemporary psychology--at Mythos & Logos. With links galore!
荣格名言(CarlJungQuotes) FamouspsychologistCarlJung(CarlJung)Proverbs(Chineseand English) FamouspsychologistCarlJung(CarlG.Jung)haswonagreat reputationbeforehisdeath,buthehasalwaysmaintainedhis "civiliandemeanor",butonlyinthespiritofa"giant"or "aristocracy.""."Hetalkstoallofthemopenly,naturallyand withoutaff...
creativity. Blending magical history and esoteric philosophy with his more than 30 years’ experience in occult movements, Abrahamsson looks at the phenomena and people who have been seminal in modern esoteric developments, including Carl Jung, Anton LaVey, Paul Bowles, Aleister Crowley, and Rudolf ...
TheFather, Mother, Lover,theTrickster,etc, are also archetypal, “primordial images” according to Jung; the Self (the archetype of wholeness or of the self), theAnima/Animus(the part of the soul characterizing the opposite gender: a man will look for his feminine part of the soul in ever...
In more concrete terms,I recommend you read Jung if you want to: Know yourself better Reach your full potential Better understand your life’s purpose You’ll find37 of the best Carl Jung quoteson the following page. And I hope you’ll love (and use them) as much as I did. ...
innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends. Carl Jung Quotes 1 Carl Jung Quotes 2...
Carl Jung, AKA C.G. Jung was a Swiss psychotherapist, who has authored over 10 books, with his one of his best known works, Man and His Symbols. Many ofCarl Jung’s quotesdeal with our own personal interpretation of the world around us. ...
Carl Jung Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. Carl Gustav Jung It is only our deeds that reveal who we are. Carl Jung The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for ...