dream interpretationpersonality theorypsychoanalysissymbolismunconsciousCarl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the founder of analytical psychology. Born and raised in Switzerland in an unhappy family, he learned early to depend upon his own inner resources for guidance and encouragement. ...
Carl Gustav Jung was born in Kesswil, Switzerland, on 26 July, 1875, and died in his home at Küsnacht, Switzerland, on 6 June, 1961, at the age of 85 years. Jung was a professional psychiatrist initially from within the psychoanalytic tradition, but he went on to develop his own school...
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud published a book called “The Interpretation(诠释) of Dreams” in 1900. Freud believed people often dream about things they want but can’t have. These dreams often have something to do with sex and aggression(侵犯). Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung worked closely...
They require careful interpretation by the doctor; however, nothing in them is certain but uncertainty. For an adequate understanding, a series of dreams must be analyzed rather than a single dream taken out of context. The idea of sublimation proposed by Freud to save man from the imaginary ...
Jung, Carl (1875–1961)doi:10.1002/9780470479216.corpsy0480dream interpretationpersonality theorypsychoanalysissymbolismunconsciousN. A. HaynieAmerican Cancer Society